It's 420 Somewhere

Rick Steffen

It's 420 Somewhere
Performed By Rick Steffen
Album UPC 889211226535
CD Baby Track ID TR0001061375
Label U.S. Tropics
Released 2014-11-29
BPM 122
Rated 0
ISRC usx9p1417735
Year 2014
Spotify Plays 950
Songtrust Track ID 292126
Writer Richard S Felisko
Songwriter ID 66194
Pub Co CD Baby Publishing
Composer Richard S Felisko
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Publisher Admin CD Baby Publishing
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Publishing
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - Florida


Over the top Comedy songs and parodys from the wild west days of Key West through 2006 by a Tropically impaired Troubador native.



Now comes this CD collection of comedy songs that is SO “over the top”,
that it could only have been spawned in Key West from Rick's time there for two
The Local hard drinking, irreverent underground flavor of the Keys
finally revealed, after many bar room performances, late night parties,
and years in the making. Local songwriters learned in time, not to try
to keep up with the 1 week drinkers and partiers.” But when serious
songwriting failed the sometimes shallow clientele, Chicanery,
buffonery and songs like these did the trick.
Now, Rick has gone into the studio to record and share these rare
moments of some of Key West's most prolific songwriters.
Rick Steffen is a career musician with a lifelong passion for music
composition and performance.
He has been a band and solo performer for over 25 years, and uses his
music to inspire us to travel with him to island venues and soak up
some soulful fuel for ourselves.
His experiences of 10 years in Key West, jaunts to down island
Caribbean venues, and his personal quests has honed his songwriting to
including humor, politics, and a unique view of relationships. He
creates and delivers songwriting & music often with country, reggae,
Rock, latin, and calypso rhythms. These songs include nationally known
studio musicians.
Rick’s songs, from 5 Cds, have been featured on the Radio
Margaritaville Sirius channel, at the annual Parrothead festivals in
Key West and even on several Airline headphone channels.
He has played for thousands at county fairs, charity events, and music
seafood festivals, and parrothead house parties. This allows him to
interact directly with his audience especially on his comedy tunes.
In March 2012 , Rick maintains a shore side lifestyle at his home base
in Daytona Beach, Florida.
Rick presents now, “Zany Key West Songs” and invites you to feel the
old Key West and his special brand of humor and songwriting.

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