
Anton Roolaart

Performed By Anton Roolaart
Album UPC 888295075015
CD Baby Track ID TR0000365241
Label Anton Roolaart
Released 2014-04-24
BPM 144
Rated 0
ISRC uscgj1481656
Year 2014
Spotify Plays 311
Writer Antonius H Roolaart
Pub Co Antonius H Roolaart
Composer Antonius H Roolaart
ClearanceDubset,Facebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country United States - New Jersey
Lyrics Language English


The Plight of Lady Oona is Anton's second CD. It's a wonderful melodic, symphonic rock album that contains lush orchestration and guitar performances with a guest vocal appearance by Annie Haslam on the title track.


After the well received debut Art Rock album Dreamer in 2007, Anton has come back as an independent artist with an exciting new album entitled The Plight of Lady Oona which features a special guest appearance by Annie Haslam. The tracks were recorded in the US and The Netherlands during the last few years. Anton’s music portrays the quintessence of melodic progressive rock accompanied with lush orchestration, and this new release is certain to capture the listener’s attention once again. The 6 tracks on this release present the listener with wonderful melodies, guitars, textures and keyboards supported by herculean bass lines and drums. He does this with the help of some talented friends and musicians. All songs were composed and produced by Anton with the help of co-producer Rave Tesar.

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