Life of the Great Tree

8bit Knight

Life of the Great Tree
Performed By 8bit Knight
Album UPC 887516934780
CD Baby Track ID 10723824
Label 8bit Knight
Released 2013-03-26
BPM 88
Rated 0
ISRC uscgj1335056
Year 2013
Spotify Plays 26
Writer 8bit Knight
Pub Co 8bit Knight
Composer 8bit Knight
ClearanceFacebook Sync License,Traditional Sync,YouTube Sync ServiceOne Stop
Rights Controlled Master and Publishing Grant
Rights One-Stop: Master + 100% Pub Grant
Original/Cover/Public Domain original
Country Netherlands


The Lost Album is a full 80~ minutes / 31 tracks that will take you back to the tunes of the 8bit video game era but at the same time, take you on a journey through a modern day story of a gamer playing a game today.


On January 19th, 2012 the United States Government shutdown Megaupload and with it killed the Megabox music service that would allow small music artists like me, an alternative way to release my music and make money from it without charging people one red cent. Instead the United States Government, owned by the big evil music corporations, performed an illegal raid with helicopters and swat teams at Kim Dotcom’s home in New Zealand as if he was a terrorist. These actions have tried to kill innovation in the music industry in order to keep the few elites in the United States in control of the entertainment industry and to keep the money in their pockets and of the auto-tuned lip-syncing artists they protect, while at the same time allowing good starving artists around the world to die by keeping them down and out.

I have been waiting patiently to release my first album on Megabox but the United States Government did a good job of setting Kim Dotcom back. Kim has done a good job of fighting back against the powers that be by launching the new Mega this past January on the 1-year anniversary of the raid but needs a couple more months to maybe another year to get Megabox going and so my album has been lost in the darkness. In the meantime, I have had to look at other options to pull my music out of the darkness and to offer it to the general public and so I now present you my first album named The Lost Album for it has been lost for months and has now been released for you to enjoy.

Work on this album started early last year after I was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and I was told according to my diagnostic report, that I was not very creative. While I agreed with pretty much most of the report as it explained a lot of things from my childhood and my everyday life, I didn’t agree with the part that said I was not very creative, I only wished the good doctor could get into my mind for a bit to see what really goes on in my head and the ideas that are born but most of the time I don’t finish doing because I get caught up doing something else. To show my creativity, I wanted to make a video game but soon realized I didn’t have the resources to make one, so I turned to music. This album was born out of my desire to prove that I can be creative in my own way and to hopefully inspire other people with Asperger’s Syndrome to not be limited to something because of their diagnosis.

The Lost Album is available as a DRM free download. The album is a full 80~ minutes / 31 tracks (don’t you hate it when you buy a cd for $15 and it is only half full?) that will take you back to the tunes of the 8bit video game era but at the same time, take you on a journey through a modern day story of a gamer playing a game today (see the story below if you wish). You can stream the album for free on some of the online retailers and maybe download it at other places ;) but one thing you should keep in mind is, the only way you can support my music is to buy a couple of tracks or the full album if you can because unlike the big music artists that have big concerts and use the MAFIAA to promote their music and make money, concerts aren’t something I don’t think I will ever be able to do, as I will probably faint from anxiety and get overloaded in noisy concert halls or large crowds (read a bit about Asperger’s Syndrome if you want to know more), so in short the internet is my music hall, where my concerts will play.


The story this album will take you through is as follows:

A gamer goes to the store and buys a game, they get home and install the game but they find out they can’t play the game since it is infested with so much DRM, that they can’t even get it to load because it requires an always on internet connection and a rootkit to be installed that messes up their computer. Finally after searching online they find a solution, download a crack and run the Cracktro (Track 1) that patches the game and allows them to play. The intro (Track 2) plays and they find themselves in a strange world (Track 3) that they haven’t explored before. They talk to people to gather information (Track 4) to find out what they need to do but they don’t have enough gold for supplies, so they set out on a quest for gold (Track 5). Once they gather there supplies they travel up and down a mountain (Track 6) and our heroes find themselves with a large lake in front of them. The only way across is a secret underground passage (Track 7), their footsteps can be heard echoing against the walls as they try to get through the underground passage but soon they hear someone else pursing them (Track 8). This leads to an encounter (Track 9) with the unknown person or creature and so our heroes find themselves running (Track 10) to get to the other side of the tunnel and out of the darkness.

Out of the tunnel, they find a nearby town (Track 11) and they decide they should sleep at the inn overnight. In the middle of the night our heroes are awoken to loud noise outside the inn, as they run out of the inn they find the town is not the same town they found last night. Bombs have been dropped around them, buildings are damaged and some on fire, innocent children are seen on the street, some dead and some alive but crying with nowhere to go as their parents were killed in the attack. Residents are running around, then one resident armed with assault rifles comes up to our heroes and tells them that an evil imperial empire is trying to destroy the town, in order to get the residents to move out and plunder the town’s natural resources. He hands our heroes each a rifle and they soon find themselves in a firefight (Track 12) against the empire, the fight is successful (Track 13) and the people that remain can start to rebuild the town.

The next day our heroes continue their journey through the nearby woodlands. They find themselves fighting the creatures of the chaotic woods (Track 14) and by nightfall, they reach a bright city (Track 15) that lights the sky as if it were day. They stop by a pub (Track 16) and drink away till they blackout. When they get up the next day, they find themselves again in the woodlands and robbed of their supplies except for the shirts on their backs. Their journey can’t continue because they no longer have a copy of the maps and other supplies they got on the way to this point, so they spend the next bit backtracking (Track 17) and grinding (Track 18) to restock and continue. Eventually after they restock, they find their way to a highly advanced region of the world (Track 19) and take a break to take in some entertainment at a carnival (Track 20).

Our heroes meet with some kind of hypnotist that puts them in a trance that makes them take a trip inside their minds (Track 21). Here they take a journey through a haunted mansion (Track 22) and then they find themselves outside in a thick fog (Track 23). As the fog clears they awaken back into the real world, in the middle of a large desert land, where they find themselves thrashing (Track 24) the desert creatures that come out of the ground. They eventually come across a road that makes travel easier for them, as they no longer need to walk in the sand. In the distance at what seems to be the end of the road, they see a large tree towering high above the ground, as they approach the tree they notice it seems to be alive like something out of a fairytale.

Once they are near the tree, out of nowhere it seems a dark desert creature popped up and blocks their road ahead and challenges them to battle (Track 25). The battle is won and the road ahead is clear and the heroes can finally meet the great tree (Track 26). The tree tells them about the long journey they have ahead of them and the final battle they need to face and gives them each swords that were kept by the great tree, to be given only to the heroes of legend that were to appear and managed to defeat the dark desert creature. Equipped with their new weapons, the tree moves aside and the road continues with a mountain in the distance, with what seems to be a fire breathing dragon flying above it. The long journey (Track 27) will take them through the lands of fire, earth, snow and water.

They conquer the challenges they face and they find themselves at the bottom of the mountain, they now need to make it to the top and fight the dragon. Finally they are there, face to face with the dragon and the epic battle begins (Track 28). The battle fought is long and hard, when finally the dragon is defeated with an epic final blow and victory (Track 29) is theirs. The ending (Track 30) plays, then the credits (Track 31) and the gamer is somewhat happy to have played the game, if only the problems they had when they originally installed the game weren’t there, they would probably buy another game from the company but instead will now choose to not buy any more games from them.


While the story told in this album would be better for a videogame I wanted to make, I felt it would be better at this time to make an album to raise money instead of crowd funding for resources I don’t have with nothing to give in return. By making an album I am able to show that I am creative in my own way and eventually when I am able to get my hands on the resources needed, I feel I can use the story used in this album to make a bigger story for my video game.

Creativity is expressed in different ways and slowly I will show the world what really goes on inside my head.

PS. Please share a link to this album with your friends.

8bit Knight

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